About Us

  • Free Delivery
  • We come to you.
  • Refill Fast
  • Wait times less than 15 minutes
  • Personalized Care
  • When you call, you speak to a person.
  • Locally Owned
  • Serving the community for since 1928 years.

We are Main Pharmacy of Boonton, your local, family-owned & operated pharmacy. Owned by pharmacists who understand your needs, and who believe in old-fashioned one-on-one patient care.

We use our expertise & knowledge of more than 25 years combined to provide care to patients of all ages, making sure to give you the highest personalized healthcare without compromising quality or speed.

Feel free to contact any of our pharmacists directly anytime by phone, fax or e-mail, we're here to listen, we're here to help.

Our Team

John Gahly


Ereny Ghobrial

Pharmacy Manager